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v30 multinational banknote counter


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1. Battery operation;

2. Unique design, with exquisite leather case, easy to carry;

3. Applicable to the counting of banknotes of different countries, with the function of preset points;

4. Easy to operate.

Technical parameters:

1. Note counting speed: 600 bills/min

4. Internal packing size: 210×130×85MM<1 >, 0.73 kg

5. Outer packing size: 435×400×360MM<24 sets >, 18kg;

6. Power supply: 100-240V 50/60Hz AC/DC or 4 “AA” batteries

7. Power: 2W

8. Certification status: CE and UL

Instructions for use:

1. Connect the power adapter or install the battery.

2. Open the transparent cover and the machine will start automatically. At this time, the monitor will return to “0” immediately after displaying “888”;

3. Insert the finishing bracket of “font size 7” (you may not insert it);

4. Put in the neat and tidy money to be counted according to the indication sign, and press the red “START” button to count;

5. Accumulation: press the above step “4” to put the banknotes, press the “ADD” button, the machine will count the number of notes in the last count

Continue to add counting, showing the number of pieces is the sum of two pieces of counting.

Weight 0.74 kg
Dimensions 250 × 150 × 100 cm





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