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Reinforced Bale Tie Machine Binding Machine Rechargeable Lithium Battery Electric


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Product information:

Specification: jiesun 8-34mm 2 batteries send 2 plates of wire tie, jiesun 30-60mm 2 batteries send 2 plates of wire tie, 20 plates of wire tie


Packing list:

Gift box+steel bar tying machine+instruction manual+pliers+charger+steel wire+lithium battery/Tie wire * 20 discs



Product Image:

Weight 3.50 kg
Dimensions 430 × 120 × 305 cm

Jiesun 8 34mm 2 Batteries, Jiesun 30 60mm 2 Batteries, Tie Wire 20 Plates

Motor Power

600, 800, 900

Electrical outlet



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