Refund and exchange policy
Delivery time to anywhere in the world varies from 7 to 14 days after payment confirmation. It may arrive sooner.
Remember that we inform you of the tracking code for all products by e-mail.
Tracking codes take 3 to 5 working days to be sent to you, the customer.
We will refund the value of purchases that are lost or that are delivered within 20 days of confirmation of payment.
The period varies according to the speed of international logistics and customs, but usually takes between 7 and 14 days on average. The final deadline for delivery is up to 30 working days.
Once the deadline has passed, we recommend that you contact us to clarify the reason for the delay.
If we find that there is a problem with the logistics of your order, we will refund your purchase in full immediately after these verification steps.
It is important that you provide the means for delivery to the address registered on your order. After 3 (three) proven delivery attempts, you will have to pick up your order at a post office near your address. Storage fees are charged if not picked up within 7 calendar days. The amount of the fee depends on the weight/volume of the product.
Refund and exchange policy
Our store’s policy on exchanging products purchased from us aims to provide customers with security and peace of mind. We only exchange products free of charge in the event of proven defects in accordance with our terms quoted below. Paid-for products have a 30-day exchange guarantee in the event of manufacturing defects. We will also exchange the product if you receive a product that is not what you ordered.
If you receive a product with any of the aspects mentioned above, please follow our instructions below so that we can arrange for the goods to be exchanged. 1- Contact us and let us know about the problem via our customer service e-mail: or Don’t forget to include clear photos of the defective product or the wrong product you received within 30 days of receiving the product. Note: After this deadline, we do not exchange or refund money. 2- Your request will be evaluated within two working days and if the problem is found, we will contact you by e-mail and you can choose one of the following alternatives below: -Receive a refund of the amount paid. -Receive a new product equal to the one ordered – Receive a product of similar value – Receive a coupon with the value of the product to use on future purchases. As stated in the Consumer Protection Code – Article 18, there is no legal obligation for the shopkeeper to make exchanges for reasons of consumer regret as to color, size, model, or any other hypothesis. The right guaranteed to the customer by the Consumer Protection Code is to make exchanges only in the case of defective products.