SKU: CJXFSPYX00440 Categories: , ,

Wireless handle Dual vibration Bluetooth handle


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Game console accessories type: game console handle

Interface type: USB

Vibration method: vibration

Applicable products: PS4 host

Material: ABS

Product size: 180*170*64mm

Additional functions: PC, P3, P4

Video game classification: entry level, fever level, elite level, hardcore level

Weight 0.29 kg
Dimensions 180 × 170 × 64 cm

Clear Blue, Titanium blue, Power Purple, Red, Camouflage blue, Rose gold, Transparent color, Camouflage gray, Gold, Bronze, Alpine Green, Black, Gang Iron Grey, Transparent red, Sunset orange, Blue, Silver, Midnight blue, Camouflage red, Camouflage Army, White, Mycocarpus blue


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