SKU: CJXFSPYX00165 Categories: , ,

USB gamepad PS2 wired controller


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Product size: 15.6 * 10 * 6.3cm

Cable length: 1.5 meters

Compatible: PC, WinXP, WIN7, WIN8, WIN10 and other games

Packing: 1. The online products without special instructions are packed in bubble bags. For other packaging, please contact customer service.

         2.All products have neutral packaging

    Handle instructions

1. The game control keys in keyboard mode are 1234, four up, down, left, and right arrow keys, and the left joystick;

2. The game control keys in mouse mode are the side keys L1L2, R1R2, and the right joystick;

3. SELECT is the mode selection key, STAR key is the start pause key, ANALOG is the power indicator light and the function switch key.

4. Some games can only be used in the game settings. Find the setting options in the game controller in the game and define the keys according to your needs.

5, the handle to play online games. Open the game controller to enter the controller test interface, click the keyboard and mouse settings, and enter the keyboard key mapping.






Weight 0.17 kg
Dimensions 160 × 100 × 70 cm



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