SKU: CJDD1037952 Categories: , ,

Three-Purpose Lithium Rechargeable Electric Hammer For High-Power Hammer, Pick And Drill


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Product information:

Model: A: Brushless Medium Hammer 19800H Single Electric, B: Brushless Medium Hammer 19800H Double Electric, C: Brushless Medium Hammer 25800H Single Electric, D: Brushless Medium Hammer 25800H Double Electric, E: Brushless Medium Hammer 32800H Single Electricity, F: Brushless middle hammer 32800H double electric

Rated input power: 700 (w)

Maximum drill diameter: 24 (mm)

No-load speed: 1400 (rpm)

No-load impact rate: 4500 (bpm)

Power supply voltage: 21V

Power supply type: rechargeable-lithium battery technology

Whether to bring forward and reverse: Yes

Number of revolutions: 4500 (rpm)

Chuck diameter: 10 (mm)

Impact number: 4500 (ipm)

Dimensions: 22*18 (mm)

Weight (without cable): 3.5 (KG)

Accessories: Machine Battery Charger Plastic Case Guide Ruler

Input power: 700W

Net weight: 3.5KG

A: Brushless middle hammer 19800H single power

Weight 3.49 kg
Dimensions 300 × 300 × 200 cm



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