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T3 Bluetooth Wireless Game Controller X3 S600 TV Set-top Box Tablet Android


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Note:Non-Apple branded products,Compatible with iPhone models


Non-Apple branded products,Compatible with iPhone models

Model: T3 

Game machine accessories type: game console

Interface type: Bluetooth 

Applicable products: Android phone / Android tablet / Android TV / Apple IOS

Material: ABS 

Product size: 16*10*6CM

Video game rating: entry level, enthusiast level, elite level, hardcore level

Packing list: handle *1, charging line 1 manual 1

Style 1: Android iPhone dual-use; 

Style 2: Upgraded version of Android iPhone dual-use.

Weight 0.22 kg
Dimensions 200 × 200 × 50 cm

White1, Black2, White2, Black1


Dual use, Upgrade version dual purpose


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