SKU: CJXFZNZN00108 Categories: , ,

PS4 host remote control PS4 Bluetooth remote control PS4 DVD game console remote control


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Second, product features: 1. This product adopts Bluetooth 3.0 technology, which is stable and reliable. 2, the button uses PVC plus internal silk screen, no matter how long it is used, the pattern and text on the button will never degenerate. 3, the linear remote control distance is up to 10 meters. 4. After the remote control is connected to the host, when the remote control is not used, it will automatically enter the sleep state after 10 minutes. In the sleep state, press the remote control power button to wake up, and the PS4 host automatically reconnects.

Weight 0.10 kg
Dimensions 220 × 100 × 40 cm



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