SKU: CJXFBXMK00104 Categories: ,

New waterproof case for pocket pan/tilt camera


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Size: 169.3x 72.6x 80.6 mm

Adapted product: Osmo pocket gimbal camera

packing list:

Osmo Pocket Waterproof Case X 1

Osmo Pocket Anti-Fog Sheet x3


1. Make sure that the Osmo Pocket is installed in the waterproof case when it is turned off.

2. When using underwater, make sure that the locking ring has been tightened so that the waterproof case is completely closed.

DJI will not provide the warranty if water enters the device due to improper operation.

3. When used with the waterproof case, keep the relative position of the gimbal camera and the waterproof case fixed, and shoot

The angle cannot be adjusted.

4. Please replace the anti-fog sheet regularly to ensure that the water vapor in the waterproof case is effectively eliminated to prevent the lens from fogging.

5. The waterproof case should be cleaned after use to keep the waterproof case clean and free of foreign matter.

Weight 0.20 kg
Dimensions 150 × 150 × 30 cm

Pgy Handle, Waterproof case


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