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Live wireless smart bluetooth remote control

(6 customer reviews)


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Name: Bluetooth remote shutter control

Material: ABS

Size: 1.5 cm * 4.2 cm * 9.0 cm

Colour: Black

Weight: 30g

Uses: wide timer remote control with self-timer for mobile phone camera,

Function: Remote Bluetooth shutter and video capture

Weight 0.03 kg
Dimensions 90 × 40 × 20 cm


6 reviews for Live wireless smart bluetooth remote control

  1. G***S
    5 out of 5



  2. A***s
    5 out of 5


    Original thing, tracked by barcode.
    no remark

  3. R***r
    5 out of 5


    Packing in a terrible condition, but the remote control itself without visible damage.
    no remarkno remarkno remarkno remarkno remark

  4. V***o
    5 out of 5


    Like it a lot!

  5. C***M
    5 out of 5


    잘 찍히네요
    no remarkno remark

  6. A***n
    5 out of 5



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